Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1000 Beers

I’m a beer lover and a home brewer of beer located in Central Illinois. I was looking up a beer someone had told me about and somehow stumbled across the 999 beers blog by Dave Selden. His quest is to drink 999 beers in 999 days, and he provides excellent tasting notes on each beer.

My quest is similar, but it is certainly not an attempt to literally “one-up” Dave. For one, my tasting notes will certainly not be as thorough as his and will lack the fancy tasting graphs he includes. Second, I don’t know that I want to drink a beer every single day (gasp!), or that it would be reasonable for me to do so. However, I may drink 2 (or more) different beers in a single day and simply plan to document the different beers I try throughout my journey.

If you happen to stumble across this blog, I hope you’ll take a second to let me know you stopped by, and feel free to comment. I’ll do my best to provide tasting notes, but it’s really a chance for me to document my own thoughts, memories, sensations, and tastes as I make my way through 1000 different beers.

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